


Chair and Treasurer – David (Dave) Pentney, CD

Dave began his military career as a reservist in Toronto in 1969.  He enrolled in the Regular Force in 1972 and attended the Royal Military College, graduating in 1976.  During his career he enjoyed five regimental tours: two with 1st Battalion in Calgary; one with 2nd Battalion in Germany; and two with 2 (AB) Commando in Petawawa.  He was the Commanding Officer of 2 (AB) Commando from 1988 to 1990 and the Commanding Officer of 1st Battalion from 1991 to 1993.  He retired from the CAF in early 2004 and worked full-time for Calian at the Canadian Army Simulation Centre until 2014.  He continues to work part-time on a contract basis with Calian.

While still serving, Dave co-founded the Kingston Branch of the Association in 1999 with Lou Grimshaw.  He has been active in the Association since returning from Germany in 2003, serving as the Kingston Branch President, as National Vice-President (East), as National Vice-President and as National President from 2011 to 2015.  He continues to be active at the National level.

Vice Chair – Pete Hofman CD

Pete began his military career as a young soldier in 1970 serving the first 5 ½ years in Calgary, serving with the PPCLI until commissioning under the OCTP (M) program in 1976. He completed 34 ½ years with the Regiment having served in all 3 battalions, including a tour with 2 PPCLI as DCO supporting the United Nations Protection Force, Croatia Balkans in 1993. Postings outside battalion duty included Camp Adjutant CFB Det Wainwright 1981-84, OC Tactics Company at the Infantry School, Gagetown NB 1988 – 90, Australia on exchange duties at the Land Warfare Center in Canungra 1991 – 93, Chief of Staff 38 CMBG in Winnipeg 1999-2000 , Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe as staff officer in Policy and Requirements Division 2000 – 04 and Deputy/Chief of Staff at the newly formed Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre, Wainwright AB 2004 until his retirement in 2005.   Following retirement, he was hired on by CUBIC Defence Applications and oversaw the installation and supervision of site support to the Canadian Army Live Simulation Training for the Weapon Effects Simulation and Urban Ops Training Systems located at Wainwright, Petawawa, Valcartier and Gagetown NB from 2005 – 2021.

Pete and Deborah have been happily married for 51 years.  They have 3 sons, 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.  He currently serves as a member of the Edmonton Chapter of the PPCLI Association.


Secretary & Fundraising – Paul Hale, CD

Paul began his military career as a reservist in 1970 and transferred to the Regular Force in 1976. He completed 30 years with the Regiment including two tours with 3 PPCLI (1976 – 1981 and 1987 – 1991). He was Adjutant of the PPCLI Battle School from 1981 to 1984. He completed eight overseas deployments in Cyprus, Angola, South Africa, the Balkans and Afghanistan.  Upon retiring from the Regular Force in 2006 he transferred back to the reserve until being forced to retire upon reaching compulsory retirement age in 2014.  He has been actively involved with the Association since 2010, serving as South West Ontario Branch President from May 2011 to November 2017, multiple positions on the Board of Directors and served as President of the PPCLI Association from June 2017 to May 2021.  Paul was actively involved in the 100th Anniversary celebrations and has been instrumental in promoting Mental Health and Suicide Awareness within the Association.


Educational Bursaries – Derek Prohar, MMV, MSM, CD

Derek Prohar grew up on a farm outside of Avonlea, Saskatchewan. He attended high school at Athol Murray College of Notre Dame in Wilcox, Saskatchewan, and received a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University in Montreal. Derek joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1999 and was commissioned into the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry as an Infantry Officer in 2001.

With four operational deployments to Afghanistan, Derek Prohar is the recipient of the Medal of Military Valour for actions while attached to the American Special Forces, and the Meritorious Service Medal for his work with the Afghanistan National Army.

Having enjoyed a number of command and staff positions, including the Chief of Staff for 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group as well as the commanding officer of 3 PPCLI, his final role prior to retirement was as the Chief of Staff for 3rd Canadian Division, as well as the PPCLI’s Regimental Colonel.

Derek lives in St-Albert with his wife, who is the Executive Director and Registrar of Physiotherapy Alberta, and their two children.  He has accepted a job as the City Manager for the City of Leduc, Alberta, and is excited about the new and exciting opportunity.


Veterans, Families and Heritage – Donna Campbell, CD

Donna Campbell was born in New Westminster, British Columbia.  Raised in the Vancouver area, she joined the Canadian Army Reserves at 17 years of age in 1980.  While on her Junior Non-Commissioned Officer Course, she met her husband Mark, who would later commission into the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.  She continued serving as a Class B Reservist wherever her husband was posted for the next 31 years.  This included service with The British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught’s Own)(Vancouver), Prairie Militia Area Headquarters (Winnipeg), Headquarters Saskatchewan District (Regina), Headquarters Manitoba District (Winnipeg) and 1 Area Support Group Headquarters (Edmonton).  In addition, in 1993 she served with 5 Service Battalion (Valcartier) during a six-month tour of duty in Croatia.

Donna and Mark have recently celebrated their 32nd year of marriage.  They are settled with their two adult children in Sturgeon County, just north of Edmonton.

 Donna Campbell is looking forward to the opportunity to contribute further to the military community through her service as a Trustee for Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund.


Governance – Quentin Malcom Innis, CD

Quentin was born in the United Kingdom, in Manchester, England.  He spent his early years in Edinburgh, Scotland, in a large family of two girls and four boys.  In 1967 his father was picked up by Canadair and offered a job in Montreal, Quebec, working on the original Canadian drone projects.  While attending the University of Toronto in 1983, Quentin joined the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada, serving a year as a Rifleman before being selected for officer training.  While with the Queen’s Own he completed the Basic Parachutist Course and the Airborne Indoctrination Course, before joining Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in 1987. 

Quentin served with the Patricia’s for the next 32 years, serving in all three battalions, the Airborne Regiment, and the Battle School.  During this time, he enjoyed one deployment to Kosovo, three to Afghanistan, spent a year in Latvia as the J3, and completed the Technical Staff course at Shrivenham in England.  Leaving the Regular Army in 2019, he served with the Loyal Edmonton Regiment before finally time-expiring in 2020. 

Quentin is currently serving as the Director, Project Execution, for the Creative Destruction Lab Rapid Screening Consortium, a joint venture of industry, government, and academia to institute screening for COVID-19 in the workplace.  He currently lives in St Albert with his enormously supportive and patient wife Elaine and a slightly less patient terrier named Piper.  He serves on the board of the Edmonton Chapter of Treble Victor, and skis and hikes in his spare time. 

PPCLI Cadet Corps – Bryan Bailey, CD

Hailing from Pinawa, Manitoba, I commenced my military career as a soldier with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles in 1978.  In 1979, I transferred to the Regular Force and attended both Royal

Roads and Royal Military College graduating with a Bachelor Degree in Political and Economic Science in 1983.  I was fortunate to continue my studies at Queen’s University on scholarship receiving a Masters in Political Studies in 1984.

    I was commissioned into the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) and commenced regimental duty with the First Battalion in Calgary.  From 1984 to 1987, I served as a rifle platoon commander, Assistant Adjutant, and as Second-in-Command of a rifle company.  Following that I was posted to Belleville, Ontario where I served three years as the Adjutant of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment.  

 In 1990, I was posted to 2 PPCLI in Winnipeg where I served as Second-in-Command of Administration Company and the Adjutant as a Captain. I also had the pleasure of commanding Combat Support Company, C Company, and Administration Company. During this posting, I deployed twice to Croatia as part of UNPROFOR.  I volunteered to be attached to 3 PPCLI in 1992 and served as the Senior CANBAT 1 LO.  After three months back in Canada, I returned to Croatia in 1993 as OC C Company. The highlight of this tour was the Medak operation for which 2 PPCLI was awarded the Governor-General’s unit commendation.

 In 1994, I was posted to Toronto where I served two years as G3 of 32 Canadian Brigade

Group. Remaining in Toronto, I attended the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College graduating in 1997. Upon graduation, I was posted to Land Force Atlantic Area Headquarters in Halifax where I served as G3 Operations until promotion to Lieutenant-Colonel in 1999. Following promotion, I served as G3, G5, and Chief of Staff of the Headquarters while concurrently commanding the 5th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group which is based in Newfoundland and Labrador. I had the privilege of coordinating several domestic operations and I received a DCDS Commendation for Op PARASOL which involved the support to Kosovar refugees in response to an appeal from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

 In 2002, I assumed command of Western Area Training Centre in Wainwright which also included base commander responsibilities. During my tenure, I oversaw significant growth and organizational change resulting in the doubling of military personnel and the separation of the School from the Base on departure in 2005. From 2005 to 2008, I served as the Assistant Director of Army Training within the Land Force Doctrine and Training System Headquarters in Kingston, Ontario.  

In 2008, I deployed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo as an Acting Colonel commanding the Canadian Task Force while serving as the Deputy Chief of Staff Operations and Plans of the MONUC Force Headquarters for a one year UN tour. In this capacity, I directed operations during a period marked by considerable crisis and instability. I was fortunate to be awarded a Force Commander’s Commendation for my efforts.

 On return to Kingston in 2009, I was posted to the Canadian Army Staff College as an instructor and two years as the Deputy Commandant. I was deployed again as an Acting Colonel to Kabul, Afghanistan where I served as the Senior Advisor to the Vice Chief of the Afghan National Army as part of the NATO Training Mission. After 35 years in uniform, I retired from the Canadian Forces in 2013 and accepted a position as the Executive Director of the RMC Club of Canada which was the Alumni Association for Canada’s military colleges until 2017. I continue to work part-time as a Calian contractor supporting the design and delivery of Army exercises. I am married to an incredibly wonderful and supportive wife Jennifer and we are proud parents of Laura, Karyn, and Steven and grandparents to William and Graham. I am passionate about golf, curling, and hockey and together with Jennifer we enjoy travel and spending time at the cottage.