

PPCLI Cadets Corps

The Canadian Cadet Program challenges youth aged 12-18.  It contributes to Canadian society by developing citizenship, leadership and fitness in an inclusive environment that instills Canadian values of respecting the dignity of people, serving Canada before self, and gaining an appreciation of the military values of duty, loyalty, integrity, courage, stewardship, and excellence.   The Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund (HGMF) contributes to these goals through its support to PPCLI-affiliated Army Cadet Corps.

There are two elements to the program: an annual HGMF PPCLI Cadet Corps Trophy Competition; and grants to PPCLI-affiliated Cadet Corps.  Both programs are delivered with the support of the PPCLI Association ( that administers the program on behalf of the HGMF.  The Association provides additional support by providing cap badges and accoutrements as well as funding to corps in Alberta.

Details of the two programs are given in the Memorandum of Understanding between the HGMF and PPCLI Associaition .  The following cadet corps are eligible for support and more information of the cadet program is available at this link: Cadets.

  • 533 (Tommy Prince) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Winnipeg, MB;
  • 2483 (Esquimalt) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Esquimalt, BC;
  • 2551 (Edmonton) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Edmonton, AB;
  • 2554 (Calgary) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Calgary, AB;
  • 2701 (Winnipeg) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Winnipeg, MB;
  • 2757 (Fernie) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Fernie, BC;
  • 2837 (Yellowknife) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Yellowknife, NT;
  • 2901 Estevan Elk’s Club, PPCLI Cadet Corps – Estevan, SK;
  • 2943 (Campbell River) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Campbell River, BC;
  • 2276 (Fort St. John) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Fort St. John, BC; and
  • 3003 (Battle River) PPCLI Cadet Corps – Edgerton, AB.